The Omelette material: * 100 gram meat kepiting * 100 gram bamboo shoots, the slice of the form of the match api * 2 rods of the leek, the slice halus * 1 garlic fang, memarkan * 3 items of the egg, kocok * 1/2 the teaspoon garam * 1/2 the teaspoon of pepper bubuk * 1 tablespoon of butter/margarin * 5 tablespoons of oil The Sauce material: * 1 garlic fang, memarkan * 50 cc air * 5 tablespoons of sauce tomat * 1 teaspoon of flour maizena * 50 gram peanuts polong * 1/2 the teaspoon cuka * 1 teaspoon of sugar pasir * 1 teaspoon garam * 1/2 the teaspoon of pepper bubuk * 1 tablespoon of butter/margarine
For the Spice: * Peanuts goreng * Cabe * Garam * Gula * The shallot & the Onion of Putih * Candlenuts/peanut butter * Chilli sauce sauce The instruction: * The omelette: heated margarine, then put the garlic, stir-fry through to kuning * Put crab meat, bamboo shoots, the leek, salt, and ground pepper, stirred level, adopted, cool down, then put the egg, stirred level, for became 2 bagian * Heat oil, then put 1 part dadaran, cooked through to ripe brownish, adopted, tiriskan, repeated once more, sisihkan * Sauce: heated margarine, then put the garlic, stir-fry through to kuning * Put water and tomato sauce, stirred level, boiled, then put flour maizena that was diluted with a little water, stirred level, didihkan * Put peas peanuts, salt, sugar, ground pepper, and the vinegar, stirred level, cooked until sauce congealed, adopted.
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